Content marketing & communication management

At WeSwitch Languages, communication is our special talent

As your specialist partner, WeSwitch Languages is by your side to help you navigate the content marketing and communication process. With our support, you can overcome language barriers and convey your corporate identity compellingly and consistently.

Content first

Many companies grapple with unstructured content and communication projects – especially when they are multilingual. Content is created by different authors in different placeswithout the use of guidelines or corporate terminology. Content management systems alone are not enough. To create consistent, high-quality content in an effective way, global companies need a well-structured process. In companies with a global reach, this workflow needs to be coordinated across languages and cultures right from the start.

Moving away from “content last” to “content first”

In our digital age, content in different formats and languages forms the interface between a company and its clients and partners around the world. High-quality content is even more important when doing business on an international scale. Content should convey a company’s corporate identity, reflect its corporate culture and fit the tone it wishes to set. It is also essential that language barriers are adequately overcome in a way which takes cultural differences into account.

When we talk about content, we are referring to all of a company’s internal and external, written and oral communications in the various languages spoken within the company and by its clients (German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian etc.):

  • Letters to clients

  • Newsletters

  • Telephone calls to clients

  • Product data sheets and specifications

  • Websites

  • Social media pages and blogs

  • Meetings

  • Corporate events

Content first means focusing right from the start on the long-term objectives of a company’s content and on what each target group expects. Precise briefs and areas of responsibility need to be formulated for everyone involved in the project. Strategies in line with this approach make it easier for all content creators to work together – from account managers and editors to marketing experts, translators and interpreters. The result? Communication is more effective and efficient!

Our services at a glance


Analysis and review of existing German and multilingual content as well as the relevant company guidelines; clarification of responsibilities; analysis of how current content fits the company’s corporate culture (values/tone)

Process consulting

Definition of a content strategy in consultation with the marketing department; support with the creation of style guides and corporate glossaries; coaching to raise awareness of communication problems caused by incorrect and inconsistent content; communication dos and don’ts (multilingualism, cultural aspects)

Content creation

Production of creative, search engine optimised texts tailored to the target group; professional translation (e.g. English, German, French, Italian, Spanish); interpretation

Transcreation 4.0

Translation and creation go hand in hand. We move away from the traditional translation approach by writing creative “native” content in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and more. Our experts produce texts exclusively in their native language for their own cultural region. They are communication professionals specialised in the creation of high-quality, search engine optimised content. For us, “transcreation 4.0” means the creative production of multilingual, culturally adapted and search engine optimised texts – based on your original content.

You can find our flyer on “Our Comprehensive Range of Communication Solutions” (in German) here: